Kalsi frá Þúfum and Mette showed their best at Fjórðundsmót 2021 and won the A-finals in A-flokkur with 8.86 after maintaining the first position after the preliminaries, where they received 8.67.
Last Fjórðungsmót 2017, Mette rode Kalsi´s father Trymbill frá Stóra-Ási to victory in A-flokk. Kalsi himself was then a Stallion and won the 6-year-old stallion class.
Mette also received the FT Riding Awards from The Icelandic Rider’s Association with the following commentary:
The FT Riding Awards are awarded to a rider who has shown great riding together with injury-free horses and sportsmanlike behaviour on the whole tournament. Mette Mannseth has shown just that with multiple horses, who are most from her own breeding. Her horses are well trained and exceptionally well shown by her with invisible aids, great energy and x-factor.