IS2010258161 - Harpa frá Þúfum
Chestnut with a star | |
Kiljan frá Steinnesi | |
Sónata frá Stóra-Ási | |
Gísli Gíslason | |
Mette Camilla Moe Mannseth |
Harpa was really Gísli´s favorite horse. Exceptionally light and willing, and with an extraordinary talent for pace. Everyone allowed to ride her loved her. We were optimistic about her offsprings, but they exceeded our expectations by far.
Harpa is out of Kiljan frá Steinnesi who received over 9 for ridden abilities, or 9.07. He is out of the Gustur-son, Klettur frá Hvammi and the Kolfinnnur-daughter Kylja frá Steinnesi. Harpa’s mother is Sónata frá Stóra-Ási, who was the highest evaluated 5 year old mare in the world in 2009. Sónata was out of the great 4-gaiter Stígandi frá Leysingjastöðum, who was out of Andvari frá Ey and Dekkja frá Leysingjastöðum, a daughter of Adam frá Meðalfelli. Sónata’s mother was Nóta frá Stóra-Ási, a daughter of Oddur frá Selfossi and Harpa frá Hofsstöðum, who was also the mother of Léttir frá Stóra-Ási, father of Hróður. Harpa had the highest rideablity score on Landsmót 1986 Nóta received the honorary awards for offsprings and the Glettubikar in 2013, but like previously mentioned, she is also the mother of Trymbill frá Stóra-Ási.
ID number and name
IS2017258161 – Vina frá Þúfum
IS2018258163 – Fiðla frá Þúfum
IS2019158168 – Strengur frá Þúfum
IS2020258163 – Ríma frá Þúfum
IS2021258165 – Syrpa frá Þúfum
IS2022158165 – Skarði frá Þúfum
Viti frá Kagaðarhóli
Lord frá Vatnsleysu
Sólon frá Þúfum
Álfarinn frá Syðri-Gegnishólum
Hannibal frá Þúfum
Álfaklettur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum
Highest FIZO Assessment
Spring Breeding Evaluation at Hólar 2016
Rider : Gísli Gíslason
Head | 8 |
Neck, withers and shoulders | 8.5 |
Back and croup | 9.5 |
Proportions | 8.5 |
Legs | 8 |
Joints | 7.5 |
Hooves | 8 |
Mane and tail | 7.5 |
Conformation | 8.28 |
BLUP | 129 |
Tölt | 8 |
Trot | 8 |
Pace | 8.5 |
Gallop | 8.5 |
Spirit | 8.5 |
General Impression | 8 |
Walk | 6.5 |
Rideability | 8.06 |
Slow Tölt | 8 |
Canter | 8 |
Total | 8.15 |