IS2019158161 - Dökkvi frá Þúfum

Smokey black | |
Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti | |
Lýsing frá Þúfum | |
Mette Moe Mannseth and Gísli Gíslason | |
Mette Camilla Moe Mannseth | |
Gísli Gíslason |
Dökkvi is out of our honorary mare Lýsing frá Þúfum and the great breeding stallion Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti, who continues to prove himself and bring super offspring.
Some offspring of Dökkvi exists and they are of various colors. Buckskin with blaze and palomino as his mother. Clearly he carries the cremello gene.
Dökkvi started as a very easy horse with all gaits straight away. He was calm but eager to work and wanted most of all to canter under rider. From canter the way to tölt was always quite open.
Gísli started him and Lea, our trainer, took over after a few months. Both of them were always very happy with him and it never came to any “downs” in the training.
As he got closer to spring we dicovered that he had this great ability to engage the hindlegs very easily in tölt.
We decided to use Dökkvi on some of our mares as we find his carracter and the easy acsess to very good and even gaits with long strides a valuable ability.
We see Dökkvi as a future competition horse.
ID number and name
Highest FIZO Assessment
Spring Breeding Evaluation in Hólar 2023 Rider : Lea Busch
Head | 8 |
Neck, withers and shoulders | 8.5 |
Back and croup | 9 |
Proportions | 8.5 |
Legs | 8 |
Joints | 8.5 |
Hooves | 8.5 |
Mane and tail | 8 |
Conformation | 8.47 |
BLUP | 124 |
Tölt | 9 |
Trot | 9 |
Pace | 5 |
Gallop | 8.5 |
Spirit | 9 |
General Impression | 9 |
Walk | 9 |
Rideability | 8.36 |
Slow Tölt | 9 |
Canter | 9 |
Total | 8.40 |